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Ik zoek vrijwilligerswerk

Gezocht    4 Replies

Master admin, 27-10-2021, 05:34 PM

Voor de mensen die vrijwilligerswerk zoeken, stel je zelf even voor en laat mensen weten wat je kan en of wilt doen. 

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Uitleg voor het plaatsen van vrijwilligerswerk

Vrijwilligerswerk    3 Replies

Master admin, 27-10-2021, 05:32 PM

Hoi je wilt graag vrijwilligers werven voor je event, klusje of project.

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Info    No Replies

Master admin, 25-10-2021, 11:53 PM

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911 - potential motive research

Clear feasable theory    No Replies

Master admin, 25-10-2021, 11:41 PM

What are the potential motives for 9/11 according to the internet

Kind of motive:


What is the gain:

Massive amount of gold and other precious metals.[20] 

Who benefitted:

The thing with such a massive amount of gold is that not a lot of people could actually use or launder it, it just so happens that Bush was involved in what is now the largest pure gold mining company in the world. 


(Before 9:59 a.m.): Gold Transported Through WTC Basement Large amounts of gold are stored in vaults in the massive basement below the WTC, and some of this is being transported through the basement this morning. Several weeks later, recovery workers will discover hundreds of ingots in a service tunnel below WTC 5, along with a ten-wheel lorry and some cars (which were, presumably, transporting the gold). The lorry and cars had been crushed by falling steel, but no bodies are reported found with them, so presumably they were abandoned before the first WTC collapse, at 9:59 a.m. (New York Daily News, 10/31/01; London Times, 11/1/01) (Mid-October-mid November 2001) 

Gold and Silver Recovered from WTC Basement Area; Evidence Suggests Attempted Theft Workers at Ground Zero discover large amounts of gold and other precious metals stored below the ruins of the WTC. As debris is removed they are able to access parts of the 16-acre WTC basement, which drops 70 feet below ground level. Precious metals are stored in numerous vaults within this area. The London Times says the quantity of these "has been a carefully guarded secret," but estimates $750 million of gold and silver in vaults belonging to the Comex metals trading division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. There appears to have been an attempt, since 9/11, to break into a Comex vault containing $200 million of precious metals belonging to the Bank of Nova Scotia. A government official involved in the recovery work says, "It looked like they used a blowtorch, a crowbar," but a bank spokeswoman denies there has been any attempted break-in. The banks later states that "All of the silver, gold, platinum, and palladium stored in its vaults at 4 World Trade Center" has been relocated to a depository in Brooklyn. Other gold is discovered in a service tunnel below WTC 5. According to the London Times, this was being transported through the tunnel on the morning of 9/11. (New York Daily News, 10/31/01; London Times, 11/1/01; New York Times, 11/1/01; Reuters, 11/17/01)

Kind of motive:


What is the gain:

At least $100 million upwards to $15 billion. Financial transaction data-servers where housed in these buildings and it appears that large sums of money where taken with creditcards, there was trading going on on the stockmarket with obvious forknowledge before and during the towers being hit and or collapsing, without the system no one could know if something and how much was taken. These drives where found dirty, got cleaned, data got restored, research was done and then the story got cold.

Who benefitted:

Convar a German based company did the research on the discs but ended up being bought by one of the acused in a weird construction of companies. What was known thus far was "The company has completed processing 39 drives; another 42 have arrived, and a further 20 drives are expected in early January, Wagner said." "$100 million figure represents results when less than 40% of the available drives had been processed."


It was mentioned in a Dutch program called Zembla and in a German 2DF journal.

Kind of motive:


What is the gain:

Insurance money.

Who benefitted:

"In total, the 9/11 attack generated insured losses of $39.5 billion (adjusted to 2008 dollars), including property, business interruption, aviation, workers’ compensation, life and liability insurance claim costs. About two thirds of these losses were paid for by reinsurers"(Insurancejournal 9/11/2009; [17])


""Lucky" Larry Silverstein got his nickname after a series of close calls and bittersweet victories stemming from the September 11 incident. Both the North and South towers of the World Trade Centre collapsed after two hijacked planes were driven into them. A third jet smashed into the Pentagon and another crashed into a field. Almost 3,000 people lost their lives and at least 6,000 were injured. But one man ended up very rich from the whole thing. New York property tycoon Larry Silverstein purchased the entire complex on a nine-year lease six months prior to the attacks. The deal was worth $124million (£96million) – but he walked away with $4.5billon (£3.2billion) after taking out a huge insurance claim following the tragedy. His first job as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the security of the complex. The new client was Securacom (now Stratasec) and George W. B's brother, Marvin B, was on its board of directors, and his cousin, Wirt W. III, was CEO. According to public records, Securacom provided electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles International Airport and United Airlines — two key players in the 9/11 attacks. Not only that Larry S. also explicitly included "terrorist attacks" as a clause in the new agreement. On the day of the attack, Larry had a doctor's appointment, which meant that he did not turn up for work as normal. His daughter also skipped work, and his son was reportedly running late."(Dailystar 9/11/2018; [18])

Kind of motive:


What is the gain:

Have more war budget.

Who benefitted:

Pentagon spending has totaled over $14 trillion since the start of the war in Afghanistan, with one-third to one-half of the total going to military contractors. A large portion of these contracts have gone to just five major corporations: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman. The $75 billion in Pentagon contracts received by Lockheed Martin in fiscal year 2020 is well over one and one-half times the entire budget for the State Department and Agency for International Development for that year, which totaled $44 billion." (Brown university's Profits of War: Corporate Beneficiaries of the Post-9/11 Pentagon Spending Surge 13/11/2021; [14])


"The costs to the United States of post-9/11 wars will total more than $5.6 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2018, a new Costs of War report finds, and the average American taxpayer has spent $23,386 on these wars since 2001.(Brown university 7/11/17; [16])"

"Total Defense Spending – Between 2001 and 2011 the United States spent $7.2 trillion dollars (in constant FY2012 dollars) on defense, including the Pentagon’s annual base budget, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and nuclear weapons-related activities of the Department of Energy" (National priority 5/26/2011; [15])

Kind of motive:


What is the gain:

Followers, attention, religious wars always have been going on so why not in this age as well?

Who benefitted:

Christians vs Jews, Christians vs Muslims, Christians vs Muslims and Jews, Jews vs Muslims, Jews vs Christians, Jews vs Muslim and Christians, Muslims vs Christians, Muslims vs Jews, Muslims vs Jews and Christians. You name it and it is being said.


The internet over the years

Kind of motive:


What is the gain:

The new pearl harbor..


Kind of motive:


What is the gain:

Have more controle over the people.


Kind of motive:


What is the gain:

For (American) globalist to gain controle in the middle east and to finish the world domination conquest.


Love to hear your thoughts and I will continue my search soon!

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Nette humor

Fun, lol, plezier, enz.    No Replies

Master admin, 25-10-2021, 11:37 PM

Hier houden we het netjes met leuke dingen! Big Grin

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Klasieke meme

Memedump    2 Replies

Master admin, 25-10-2021, 11:36 PM

Deel die goude ouwe!

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Nieuwe meme

Memedump    6 Replies

Master admin, 25-10-2021, 11:35 PM

Alleen nieuwe (en/of zelfgemaakte) memes plaatsen

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Ga je gang

Overige shit    8 Replies

Master admin, 25-10-2021, 11:34 PM

Angel ...

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Code delen

Code share dump    No Replies

Master admin, 25-10-2021, 11:30 PM

Alleen hier mag je codes delen vervolgens kun je per url hiernaar toe linken.

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Bugs en errors

Bugs    4 Replies

Master admin, 25-10-2021, 11:29 PM

Meld hier de bugs en errors die je bent tegen gekomen op zowel forum als website en het zal worden opgelost (waarschijnlijk)!

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